If you're curious about the experience of attending a Sunday morning gathering at Central Baptist Church, the information below is intended to assist you. We trust this concise overview will help you feel at ease as you consider visiting CBC, ensuring a favorable experience. You may still have questions and, if so,
PLEASE give us a call at 636.938.5577 or send an email to office@cbcserves.org

What To Expect When You Walk In The Door Of Central Baptist Church.
Sunday Mornings
8:00am Worship Gathering
9:15am Small Groups
10:30am Worship Gathering (Nursery Available)
& Children's Church
Wednesday Nights
6:30 - 8:00pm
TeamKID - Age 4 through 5th grade
Youth Gathering - 6th through 12th grade
Adult Bible Study
What Does Sunday Worship Gathering Time Look Like?
The service typically starts with lively music from our worship pastor, accompanied by live instruments and vocalists, creating a warm and welcoming atmosphere for praise and thanksgiving. This is immediately followed by a time of casual social interaction among attendees, fostering a sense of community and belonging within the family of God. It's a moment filled with a genuine spirit of fellowship.
The congregation continues with expressions of praise and thanksgiving. A deacon then leads a prayer, highlighting the specific opportunities and needs within the CBC community, followed by the collection of the morning offering as a gesture of gratitude for God’s abundant blessings.
The worship service occasionally includes baptisms for those wishing to demonstrate their commitment to God’s teachings. Communion, or the Lord’s Supper, is also observed at certain times throughout the year.
After the deacon's prayer and the offering, Pastor Dennis delivers his sermon. His messages are typically centered on biblical teachings with a focus on practical life applications. At the end of the sermon, there is an opportunity for personal contemplation and response. Occasionally, individuals may come forward to the altar for private prayer or to speak with the pastor about personal commitments to faith, baptism requests, membership inquiries, or other special intentions.
To conclude, announcements are made, and the congregation is dismissed with music that celebrates God, accompanying the departure of the attendees from the sanctuary.
What To Wear?
Choosing appropriate attire is often the first consideration for any event or venue. When attending CBC, how should one dress? There's no formal dress code. The simplest advice is to dress for comfort. For some, that may be jeans; for others, business casual; and for a few, more formal attire. Select clothing that feels comfortable and suitable for you.
Where Do I Park & Enter?
Upon arrival at a facility, the common concerns are where to park and which entrance to use. Most visitors typically park in the lot south of the building, accessible from Central Avenue on the east and Virginia Street on the west. Signage is available to direct guests to designated parking spaces adjacent to the building, under the large canopy that marks the entry portico. Additional parking is available on the west and north sides of the building. Although there are several entrances, the main entrance under the large canopy/portico is recommended. Here, special volunteers will greet you, ready to assist with any inquiries and provide guidance. Inside the spacious foyer, you're invited to enjoy a cup of coffee and mingle with others gathering for the event.