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Image by Ben White

Womens & Mens Ministries

Women's Bible Study

The ladies meet weekly for Bible Study in the Fellowship Hall, gathering on Tuesday evenings at 6:30 pm and Thursday mornings at 9 am. Generally, they view a video presentation relevant to the day's lesson followed by an open discussion aimed at empowering women to fulfill their God-given potential. To register for a book and learn more about the class specifics, please contact the church office.

Women's 2nd Saturday Prayer Breakfast

Join other ladies for breakfast on the second Saturday of every month. Enjoy a delightful meal, celebrate life, and share prayer requests. This is an excellent opportunity to meet new people, foster relationships, and connect with the church community.

Women's Ministry Agape House.png

Women's Service Projects

Our Women's Ministry periodically engages in service projects to support local food pantries, shelters, and other ministries, spreading the love of Jesus throughout community. We warmly invite all ladies to join us in helping and blessing others.

Image by Patrick Fore

Mens Ministry

Men gather in the Fellowship Hall at 6:30 am every Thursday for prayer, shared readings of Scripture, engaging discussions, and mutual encouragement.
The leaders of the CBC men's ministry aim to organize a Men's Breakfast monthly. The event features a generous array of food and coffee, along with a special guest speaker who delivers a short message on a subject tailored for men. Sessions frequently include spontaneous testimonials from men discussing their personal experiences and the challenges they face in their Christian walk. This gathering serves as an invaluable 'iron sharpening iron' moment, where men can learn from one another about becoming better husbands, fathers, and servants of Christ. The session ends with a prayer time.


601 N. Central Avenue / P.O. Box 66
Eureka, MO 63025

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