Our Central Kids program is designed to provide spiritual development that leads to a lifetime of faithfulness unto the Lord. We want to demonstrate God’s love, help children explore God’s word, impress on them biblical truths and set the expectation for spiritual living.
Sunday Morning
The Nursery, serving infants to children aged 3, is dedicated to the well-being of our youngest members and visitors. It provides a space where children of similar ages and abilities can engage in play and learn about God's love in a supportive, nurturing, and safe setting. Upon arrival at the nursery, a volunteer at the registration desk will welcome you, register your child, and guide them to the suitable class.
Kids' Church, for children aged 4 through 2nd grade, coincides with the 10:30 a.m. Sunday morning Worship Gathering. Children who participate in Small Groups will be guided to the Kids' Worship Room. If your child is only attending the worship time, you may check them in at the registration desk, and they will be accompanied to the room.
The aim of this program is to present a biblical message tailored to their comprehension, fostering growth in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
Small Groups are held from 9:15 to 10:15 a.m. for children aged 4 through Grade 5. They are organized into groups based on age and grade level. Adult volunteers employ curriculum materials to impart Biblical truths in ways that are most effective for the students' learning.

We believe the church plays a supportive role to teach and equip the next generation to live in pursuit of a God who desires an eternal relationship with Him.

Wednesday Evening
TeamKID, designed for children aged 4 through 5th grade, is an exciting, high-energy ministry that motivates kids to know Jesus Christ and fosters growth in their relationship with Him. It includes Bible memory games, the application of biblical truths, captivating missions videos and activities, plus enjoyable activity-based learning—all aimed at nurturing your children's development to reflect Jesus more closely.
Join us weekly at 6:30 pm throughout the school year.
Vacation Bible School
Vacation Bible School (VBS), for ages 4 through 5th grade, is a thrilling week filled with crafts, games, music, and lessons about Jesus. Children will partake in faith-based education and socialize with peers daily.
The event runs from August 5th to 9th, beginning at 6:00 PM each evening.