Kevin Arndt
Music Minister
I have been leading churches in worship for more than 35 years, and in service with the CBC church family since the early 2000s. Originally from the St Louis area. I was saved at 13 years old during a revival service. God used my love for music to eventually call me into ministry. I married my wife, Lisa, in 1986, and we have three children- Justin, Matthew, and Bethany.
Worship of Almighty God is both an individual lifestyle and corporate activity; nothing less than the response by God’s people to the revelation of all He is, and all He has done. I believe each church has its own “song” unique to it, a body of music and expression of worship shaped by the shared experiences of that specific body of believers throughout its history. The worship pastor bears the unique responsibility of guarding the church’s “song” against the intrusion of theological impurity or the careless (too casual) treatment of a Holy God. At CBC, we will celebrate joyfully God’s liberty through Jesus Christ using high energy worship songs, and yet also be convicted and changed by God through the use of meditative hymns. We strive never to be limited by musical styles, but limited only by the direction of the Holy Spirit. There is nothing I enjoy more than participating with God’s people as we all lift our voices in song to the Lord.
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