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Neva Bagwell
Office and Financial Administrative Assistant Tuesday/Wednesday

I began my service at CBC in early 2000, left in 2006 to work with my husband in a family business; then, returned to CBC again in 2010. Born and raised in Pell City (AL), I married my childhood sweetheart, Mike, in 1978. A new job for Mike sent us to New Orleans where our sons, Michael and Devin, were born. God had plans for my sons to meet their wives in Missouri, so He provided a new job for Mike in 2000. Michael married Jessica and now we enjoy life as grandparents to Rebecca, James and Joanna. Devin married Jasmine and brought a couple of much-loved fur babies to the family.
My family and I are certified in Missouri Baptist Disaster Relief where we bring Help, Hope and Healing to those who have been victims of disasters. Although I am cross trained in several areas, my favorite is chain saw recovery. (Yes, I own my very own chainsaw and know how to use it with respect.)
I usually start my testimony with “I was born in the Baptist church.” I say there was never any other option—my family always attended church. I accepted Christ at a young age and began serving in church positions as a teenager. I believe that a child’s relationship with God should be the most important concern for a parent.
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